1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 30, 2014 9:22 AM by 616e

    FAB resolution - javax.annotation 0.0.0 - spring-data-jpa - unresolved import



      given this pom:




          <name>A Test</name>








      and this FAB install


      install fab:mvn:com.my.test/my-test/1.0.0-TEST


      plus an additional install of


      install mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jsr305/2.0.2_1


      (which provides javax.annotation.concurrent)

      the my-test package is installed, but cannot be started, the following error is given:


      start 234
      Error executing command: Error starting bundles:
          Unable to start bundle 234: Unresolved constraint in bundle com.my.test.my-test [234]: Unable to resolve 234.0: missing requirement [234.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=javax.annotation)(version>=1.3.9)(!(version>=2.0.0)))


      Examining the osgi:headers of my bundle shows:



      Import-Package =





      Which is actually not available, an exports | grep javax.annotation tells:


           0 javax.annotation; version=1.1.0



      (this does not come from the jsr305 bundle, it's 1.1.0 in a fresh fuse installation)


      Looking into the created bundle




      there is contained within this jar




      which is the only jar that contains in it's MANIFEST.MF a reference to javax.annotation:


      Import-Package: ........




      So my question is: where does the version range "[1.3.9,2)" come from, which is used in the created MANIFEST.MF?

      What else might be wrong?

      Thanks in advance,


        • 1. Re: FAB resolution - javax.annotation 0.0.0 - spring-data-jpa - unresolved import



          I tried the following. I unpacked the spring-data-jpa.jar in the local .m2/repository, removed the

          javax.annotation entry from the Import-Package, recreated a jar and repeated the above

          install procedure: same effect!


          So, it seems, the javax.annotation dependency is created out of thin air, and unrelated

          to the spring-data-jpa.jar. But: if I remove the dependency to spring-data-jpa.jar from

          the pom, the problem vanishes.