0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 31, 2014 11:10 AM by smikloso

    How to get console log from container programmatically for Arquillian extension?




      I am writing some reporting extension for Arquillian which hooks to Arquillian lifecycle and collects reports as it goes throught it (container configuration, deployments, test results, tests ... classes, test suites and so on). You can see simple output here (1) and here (2).


      I am looking for a way how to get raw logs from container when tests are being performed so I can report them as well. I do not know how to do that absolutely and I do not have any clue. It is possible to kind of inject something into Arquillian extension and get these logs from there?


      Thanks a lot!


      In case you would be interested, we are doing some screenshooters and video recorders (3) for Arquillian and this reporting extension fits there very nicely. You can basically report everything you want from the test run, screenshot entry in the report is not reported by reporting extension itself but it is fired as Arquillian event externally from screenshooter extension which is on class path (and it is just separate extension from reporting one).


      (1) https://gist.github.com/smiklosovic/812fc37b03c371b35b1d/raw/a8c39ae852e346ac73e6655836d335cfb3ce70ad/gistfile1.xml

      (2) https://gist.github.com/smiklosovic/b5edec1cf91b45dd3a13/raw/0574a936c2f998a36a476fff8d1ee964c5cbd00a/gistfile1.json

      (3) smiklosovic/arquillian-unified-recorder · GitHub