1. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
mbabacek Feb 4, 2014 8:09 PM (in response to daveposh)I'm sorry David, IMHO the problem is the older version of httpd
APXS the binaries you downloaded were built with.
I've prepared this build for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g3uib9n7yrkp4kg/mod_cluster-1.2.6.Final-x86_64-httpd-2.4.6-apr-util-1.5.2-apr-1.4.6-RHEL6.5.zi…
You might try if it works for you and then, if you are worried about running binaries from strangers, you might want to build them yourself from our GitHub tree.
The linked zip contains all mod_cluster binaries and a hashsum file. It was built on RHEL 6.5, so I hope you won't hit a gLibc problem with your Centos 6.3 :-D
2. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
rhusar Feb 5, 2014 2:51 AM (in response to mbabacek)Correct, for httpd 2.4.x you need to use 1.3.x which needs to be built from source:
mod_cluster/native at master · modcluster/mod_cluster · GitHub
The release will be cut shortly and binaries will be provided.
3. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
mbabacek Feb 5, 2014 5:07 AM (in response to rhusar)That's a somewhat misleading statement, one can use mod_cluster 1.2.6 with httpd 2.4.x just fine if one wants to. The only concerns are that the binaries provided in the download section are not suitable for that and last but not least, it's a quite untested combination to date.
David could use those dropbox-linked for testing and build himself mod_cluster 1.2.6 for production.
4. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
mbabacek Feb 5, 2014 6:55 AM (in response to mbabacek)BTW: Watch out for mod_slotmem_shm.so, it appears it does not like to be loaded with mod_cluster modules at the same time...
5. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
rhusar Feb 5, 2014 7:17 AM (in response to mbabacek)Correct, just note that there might be no more 1.2.x community releases thus 1.2.x community binaries might never be compatible with the new httpd version. This is undecided though.
The releases are backward compatible, so its OK to use newer native httpd modules in version 1.3.x with servlet container modules in version 1.2.x.
6. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
marcodanti Feb 5, 2014 9:01 AM (in response to daveposh)If it can be of any help, I can confirm that I am using mod_cluster 1.2.6 (built from sources) with httpd 2.4.6, on SLES-11.
7. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
daveposh Feb 5, 2014 2:33 PM (in response to daveposh)Thanks everyone pulled the source from github compiled the binaries using this documentation http://docs.jboss.org/mod_cluster/1.0.0/html/building.html
Everything works thanks!!
8. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
rhusar Feb 5, 2014 3:46 PM (in response to daveposh)Good to hear.
We will provide community binaries of 1.3.0.Final in 1-2 weeks time with some stability improvements that will also work with 2.4.6 out of box. Stay tuned.
9. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
wf_user Aug 4, 2015 7:34 AM (in response to rhusar)Hi,
do you provide a Solaris 32 bit sparc version for the 1.3.1 version of mod_cluster as for 1.2.x versions ?
10. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
rhusar Aug 17, 2015 8:47 AM (in response to wf_user)Currently the last SPARC release was for the 1.2.x branch. mod_cluster 1.2.6.Final bin Downloads - JBoss Community
The 1.3.1 was released only for x64 solarises. mod_cluster 1.3.1.Final bin Downloads - JBoss Community
Let me see what is the state of the SPARCs builds.
11. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
jfclere Aug 17, 2015 9:51 AM (in response to rhusar)I think I have found the problem that prevents the 32 bits solaris to build.
12. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
jplorier Jun 21, 2016 4:27 PM (in response to rhusar)Hi,
I'm using 1.3.1 binaries with http 2.4.6 on Centos 7 and still get the simbol error. Do I need to compile the sources in order to use mod_cluster with 2.4.6?
13. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
jfclere Jun 22, 2016 1:54 AM (in response to jplorier)yes recompiling from the source should fix the problem (note that master is GitHub - modcluster/mod_proxy_cluster: mod_cluster is an intelligent Apache httpd-based load-balancer)
14. Re: mod_slotmem.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config error trying to start apache2.4.6
mbabacek Jun 22, 2016 5:57 AM (in response to jplorier)Dear Juan, if it's of any help to you, there is a short tutorial on compiling master with CMAKE: