1. Re: Clarification on 32/64 bit?
jayshaughnessy Feb 10, 2014 5:06 PM (in response to brandondash)The reason 64-bit Java on windows is not supported is because the Tanuki
Java Service Wrapper (the tool we use to mange the Windows services that
run the RHQ components) does not distribute a 64-bit Win version for
free. If you procure a 64-bit version of the JSW then you can run RHQ
with 64-bit Java. If you try to run 64-bit Java with 32-bit JSW (which
is what we distribute) it will not process signals correctly (you should
see big warning in the logfile when you start up the server).
Assuming you're going to run 32-bit Java on Windows, it is important to
know that you need to have a JDK, not a JRE.
See https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/RHQ/Windows+Installation for
all of the information I know of at the moment. If you follow all of
this and still have issues, please let me know. Perhaps there are fixes
in the pending 4.10 distribution of RHQ that are still causing an issue
for you.
As for the process visibility issues, other than the agent
process/service account being able to see the processes I don't know
what could be the issue.