3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 11, 2014 12:14 PM by wdfink

    Get IllegalStateException: EJBCLIENT000025: No EJB receiver available for handling, but only when interface is in separate jar from ejb


      I've got a remote stateless ejb that is deployed (as an .ear) to a server group on a domain environment (EAP 6.2 / Java 7) .



      |---- META-INF
      |       |
      |       |---- application.xml
      |       |---- MANAFEST.MF

      |---- lib

      |      |

      |      |---- core.jar // Contains interface, business logic and pojos

      |---- myejb.jar

      |        |

      |        |---- <org.myapp.ejb.*> // EJB classes



      A different server group on the same domain has a Web Service (deployed as a .war) that contains the code that invokes the remote ejb.




      |---- META-INF

      |       |

      |       |---- jboss-ejb-client.xml

      |       |---- MANAFEST.MF


      |---- WEB-INF

      |       |

      |       |---- classes

      |       |---- lib

      |                  |           |---- myejb.jar // Not sure this is needed since I am calling it with an interface

      |       |    |----core.jar // Contains interface, business logic and pojos

      |       web.xml



      If I move the interface, pojos and business logic into the same jar as the ejb then remote method invocation works as advertised.  Once I move them into a core jar then I get the EJBCLIENT000025 error.


      15:46:04,999 ERROR [org.jboss.as.webservices.invocation.InvocationHandlerJAXWS] (http-/ JBAS015594: Method invocation failed with exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: EJBCLIENT000025: No EJB receiver available for handling [appName:myapp, moduleName:myejb, distinctName:] combination for invocation context org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientInvocationContext@39bcda65: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: EJBCLIENT000025: No EJB receiver available for handling [appName:myapp, moduleName:myejb, distinctName:] combination for invocation context org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientInvocationContext@39bcda65

         at com.idtdna.invoker.Invoker.invokeOnBean(Invoker.java:74) [classes:]

         at com.idtdna.invoker.MyWebService.runInvoker(MyWebService.java:34) [classes:]

         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) [rt.jar:1.7.0_45]

         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) [rt.jar:1.7.0_45]

         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) [rt.jar:1.7.0_45]

         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606) [rt.jar:1.7.0_45]

         at org.jboss.as.ee.component.ManagedReferenceMethodInterceptorFactory$ManagedReferenceMethodInterceptor.processInvocation(ManagedReferenceMethodInterceptorFactory.java:72) [jboss-as-ee-7.3.0.Final-redhat-14.jar:7.3.0.Final-redhat-14]



      The code is based on the example here: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS72/EJB+invocations+from+a+remote+server+instance

      with the addition of props.put("jboss.naming.client.ejb.context", true); This appears to be needed when the destination is not localhost.


      Any suggestions?

