0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 11, 2014 2:40 PM by mbaldwin

    Uploading files via human/user task in .ftl (jBPM 5.4)


      I am attempting to have the user upload a file to me via the UI of a human/user task.  I am using the console and thus have .ftl files to define the UI of these pages.  However, I do not know what data type I should use for the variable that will store the file.  Currently I have it set where I have a process variable "file" of type "Object" (plain object) and I have the result mapping of the human/user task map the parameter "file" from the task into the variable "file" of the process.  In addition, I have a standard file input defined in my .ftl file <input type="file" name="file" size="40"/>.  However, this currently fails. 


      Am I on the correct track for how to do this?  If so, what data type should I put the file into?  If I'm on the wrong track, do I need to effectively POST the file to a separate webservice call and then only pass back metadata to the BPM process?


      Thank you.