1. Re: SSL termination at web server with mod_cluster
jfclere Feb 14, 2014 6:39 AM (in response to hostalp)1 of 1 people found this helpfulThere are 2 ways to get that work:
1 - use ajp (the ssl information is forwarded by the protocol itself
2 - use the SSLValve See https://community.jboss.org/wiki/SSLModproxyForwarding
2. Re: SSL termination at web server with mod_cluster
hostalp Feb 14, 2014 12:29 PM (in response to jfclere)1. Yes, but I can't use AJP because the web server in use doesn't have mod_proxy_ajp (It's IBM HTTP Server and it doesn't come with any AJP support)
2. But how can I use SSLValve (or generally any valve) in JBoss - and I mean globally so it would be systematic solution - not just per web app (jboss-web.xml)?
EDIT: I found this Add a Global Valve in AS7 (7.2.x) - it isn't be most elegant solution I'd hope for, but I'll try at least that.
But how does it work when it comes to tell the servlet container that the original request was SSL as it seems to support headers SSL_CLIENT_CERT, SSL_CIPHER, SSL_SESSION_ID, SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE which aren't those I really care about in this case. I just need to ensure that the JBoss knows that the request should be treated as secure via HTTPS even though it arrived to its insecure HTTP connector.
3. Re: SSL termination at web server with mod_cluster
jfclere Feb 17, 2014 4:33 AM (in response to hostalp)1 of 1 people found this helpful2) - Probably
HTTPS needs to be forwarded too and request.setSecure(${
HTTPS}) should be added to the valve. Something like:
String strhttps = mygetHeader(request, "https");
if (
strhttps != null &&
strhttps.equals("true") {
If that helps create a JIRA.
4. Re: SSL termination at web server with mod_cluster
hostalp Feb 17, 2014 8:46 AM (in response to jfclere)Well, yes I had to modify the SSLValve as it didn't handle that case, then it got me somewhere, see below:
- I downloaded the sources for the SSLValve from here: http://maven.repository.redhat.com/techpreview/all/org/jboss/web/jbossweb/7.2.2.Final-redhat-1/
- had to rename the SSLValve to SSLValve2 due to likely conflict with the default one
- then added the following piece in there, note that the logging messages are just a simple randomly picked stuff to get something logged for verification purposes, they should be removed normally:
// BEGIN: SSL Termination patch strcert0 = mygetHeader(request, "https"); if (strcert0 != null && strcert0.equals("true")) { CatalinaLogger.VALVES_LOGGER.managerInvalidSessionTimeout("REQUEST HTTPS header true"); request.setSecure(true); // use request.coyoteRequest.scheme instead of request.setScheme() because request.setScheme() is no-op in Tomcat 6.0 request.getCoyoteRequest().scheme().setString("https"); CatalinaLogger.VALVES_LOGGER.managerInvalidSessionTimeout("REQUEST isSecure: " + request.isSecure()); CatalinaLogger.VALVES_LOGGER.managerInvalidSessionTimeout("REQUEST scheme: " + request.getScheme()); } // END: SSL Termination patch - then installed this in the jar as module and added to the web subsystem similarly to https://community.jboss.org/wiki/AddAGlobalValveInAS772x
- that gives much better results (when request header HTTPS is set to true) and seems to be the way.
Note that when checking for the possible solutions I found that there's already a similar mechanism in the RemoteIpValve:
if (protocolHeader != null) { String protocolHeaderValue = request.getHeader(protocolHeader); if (protocolHeaderValue == null) { // don't modify the secure,scheme and serverPort attributes // of the request } else if (protocolHeaderHttpsValue.equalsIgnoreCase(protocolHeaderValue)) { request.setSecure(true); // use request.coyoteRequest.scheme instead of request.setScheme() because request.setScheme() is no-op in Tomcat 6.0 request.getCoyoteRequest().scheme().setString("https"); request.setServerPort(httpsServerPort); } else { request.setSecure(false); // use request.coyoteRequest.scheme instead of request.setScheme() because request.setScheme() is no-op in Tomcat 6.0 request.getCoyoteRequest().scheme().setString("http"); request.setServerPort(httpServerPort); } } I'll test that as well though I'm not sure if that will work without puttinh the RemoteIpValve.class into a separate module (which is mentioned as a requirement at Add a Global Valve in AS7 (7.2.x))
The question now is whether it's better to request the modification of the SSLValve (e.g. should I open a JIRA request for that), or if it's better to use the existing RemoteIpValve solution for such SSL termination cases.
Update: So I tried the RemoteIpValve right from the JBoss module and it seems to work as well:
<valve name="remoteip-valve" module="org.jboss.as.web" class-name="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve"> <param param-name="protocolHeader" param-value="HTTPS"/> <param param-name="protocolHeaderHttpsValue" param-value="true"/> </valve> -
5. Re: SSL termination at web server with mod_cluster
jfclere Feb 18, 2014 7:14 AM (in response to hostalp)Well for what you need the RemoteIpValve looks to be enough.