7 Replies Latest reply on Mar 11, 2014 5:51 AM by abhinavshrivastav

    Non - Heap space increasing


      We have hosted our application on JBOSS AS 7.1.2 and the profiling shows that Non Heap space is continuously increasing over time.

      I want to know what can be done to diagnose the problem and solution to it.

        • 1. Re: Non - Heap space increasing

          Could you analyze which classes need most of the space?

          • 2. Re: Non - Heap space increasing

            Can i do this analysis with Jconole or visual vm?


            If we narrow it down to some classes, what are the next steps we could take?

            • 3. Re: Non - Heap space increasing

              You can dump it with jmap -dump:format=b,file=x and to analyze you might use visialvm or java profiler.


              If you identify classes you might check JIRA whether you find issues, i.e. REM3-171.

              If there is a solution you might pick the component with the fix and change the module. That might not work all the time as there might be API changes.

              The other option is to switch to a server version where this component is included.

              • 4. Re: Non - Heap space increasing

                Okay. We will try that and find out if we can find which class takes the maximum of space

                • 5. Re: Non - Heap space increasing

                  We took a heap dump for the application running. The maximum space is taken by class org.jboss.modules.ModulesClassLoader. We analyzed the heap dump using Memory Analyzer Tool. In a leaked report, it points to two suspects. How do we identify what is causing the NON-HEAP space to increase.


                  6,904 instances of "java.lang.ref.Finalizer", loaded by "<system class loader>" occupy 167,651,984 (36.18%) bytes.








                  305 instances of "org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader", loaded by "sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader @ 0x40001a598" occupy 36,307,664 (12.15%) bytes.



                  Biggest instances:

                  •org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader @ 0x400d00f00 - 16,237,392 (5.43%) bytes.

                  •org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader @ 0x401123010 - 9,325,864 (3.12%) bytes.






                  sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader @ 0x40001a598


                  • 6. Re: Non - Heap space increasing

                    One more pattern that I observed was that there are too many sun.reflect.DelegatingClassLoaders as well. We are using JDK java 1.6.0_27-b07 along with JBOSS AS 7.1.2

                    • 7. Re: Non - Heap space increasing

                      Any update or any further information on this one?