1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 25, 2014 9:43 PM by mashama

    JCache @CacheRemoveEntry call causing transaction to rollback


      I have a transactional method that calls an @CacheRemoveEntry annotated method on another bean.  I have set the transaction logging to TRACE to get some insight into an issue I am having.  Looking at the logs I can clearly see that when I comment out the call to the @CacheRemoveEntry annotated method the transaction is committed as expected however when the method is uncommented the transaction is rolled back and aborted.  I wanted to reach out to the WildFly community as I attempt to identify why exactly I am seeing this behavior. 


      class A {
        private B model;
        public void doSomeWork(Long modelId) {



      class B {
        private Logger log;
        public void clearCachedModel(Long modelId) {


      I am seeing no exceptions being generated here nor do I see the INFO logging call.  Am I correct in assuming that the B.clearCachedModel(Long) call should not cause the transaction to rollback?  If so how can I get more insight into why the transaction is getting rolled back?  If not what am I not understanding here?



        • 1. Re: JCache @CacheRemoveEntry call causing transaction to rollback

          So I did a little more digging today and I think I understand what is going on here.  I commented out the @Model annotation and my code started working as expected.  In my description above I neglected to document provide relevant implementation details.  This code is exercised in an asynchronous thread kicked off a call utilizing the new concurrent utilities API.  Thus there is no active request scope when B.clearCachedModel(Long) is called.


          Assuming that my understanding is now correct should I not expect some type of exception to be generated in this scenario?