3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 26, 2014 12:06 PM by nswartz99

    Arquillian deploy to remote domain EAP 6.1 fails - How to specify server?


      I have some integration tests that build a test.ear and deploy to an EAP 6.1 running on a remote server. I have it working when the remote server is standalone.

      I created a domain managed server and am trying to use it, but it is failing. I suspect that I need to specify the server or server group somewhere in arquillian.xml,

      but I don't understand the structure of this file and cannot find examples.

      I have a description from running arquillian test on domain remote but it is not good enough to write the arquillian.xml.

      Here is what I am using now:

          <defaultProtocol type="Servlet 3.0" />


              <property name="deploymentExportPath">target</property>


          <container qualifier="jbossas" default="true">


                  <property name="managementAddress">remote_server</property>

                  <property name="managementPort">9999</property>

                  <property name="username">deploy</property>

                  <property name="password">password</property>


              <protocol type="Servlet 3.0">

                  <property name="host">remote_server</property>

                  <property name="port">8080</property>




      This fails with

      Caused by: org.jboss.as.arquillian.container.ManagementClient$UnSuccessfulOperationException: "JBAS014807: Management resource '[(\"deployment\" => \"test.ear\")]' not found"

              at org.jboss.as.arquillian.container.ManagementClient.checkSuccessful(ManagementClient.java:339)


      I have several server groups and several servers, but only 1 is runnning.

      I do not want to add anything to my test code and I think I should be able to specify the server in the arquillian.xml