5 Replies Latest reply on Sep 21, 2003 5:37 AM by avirokach

    findByPrimaryKey and Commit Option A



      I use commit option A and in my code I do findByPrimaryKey, I don't get any exception but when I am trying to do call business method like getStatus() I am getting NoSuchObjectLocalException.
      I don't have bean with this primary key but I don't understand why JBoss don't throw the exception in the findByPrimaryKey?
      After I changed the commit option to B it started to work correctly.

      My code goes like this:

      try {
      status = serverStatusHome.findByPrimaryKey(3);
      } catch (javax.ejb.FinderException e) {
      System.out.println("Got Finder Exception");
      throw e;

      try {
      return status.getStatus();
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      System.out.println("Runtime Exception."+e.getMessage());
      throw e;

      Primary key 3 doesn't exists but the output is:
      Runtime Exception. NoSuchObjectLocalException .....

      any clues?

        • 1. Re: findByPrimaryKey and Commit Option A

          Which version of JBoss are you using? What does your deployment descriptor look like for the beans?

          -- Juha

          • 2. Re: findByPrimaryKey and Commit Option A

            We have this problem too:

            We are using jboss-3.2.1 with default jetty web server container, and

            We are using CMP2.0 entity beans, and accessing them from within
            stateless session ejbs. Everything works fine if we use jboss's
            commit option B. However, we would really like to be able to have
            some sort of data cache, and were counting on JBoss to be able to do
            that for us. But, when we try to use commit options A or D, the ejbs
            start acting oddly....

            Here's an example of what we are running up against:

            try {
            MyLocalIntf intf = ejbHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Long(27023));
            } catch (FinderException fe) {
            //more logic

            Now, if the bean with a primary key of 27023 doesn't exist, you would
            expect a finder exception to be thrown. However, we get this instead:

            javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException: Entity not found:
            at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractTxInterceptor.invokeNext(AbstractTxInterceptor.java:158)
            at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT.runWithTransactions(TxInterceptorCMT.java:243)
            at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT.invoke(TxInterceptorCMT.java:104)
            at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.SecurityInterceptor.invoke(SecurityInterceptor.java:117)
            at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor.invoke(LogInterceptor.java:191)
            at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.ProxyFactoryFinderInterceptor.invoke(ProxyFactoryFinderInterceptor.java:122)
            at org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer.internalInvoke(EntityContainer.java:483)
            at org.jboss.ejb.Container.invoke(Container.java:674)
            at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.local.BaseLocalProxyFactory.invoke(BaseLocalProxyFactory.java:353)
            at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.local.EntityProxy.invoke(EntityProxy.java:38)
            at $Proxy461.getParentId(Unknown Source)

            These calls are being made within a stateless session bean with
            transactions required. Why in the world isn't it throwing the
            FinderException?? Please, if you have any familiarity with this
            issue, it's been mystifying us.

            Also, to address the poster who asked about deployment descriptors, here are the deployment descriptors for *one* of the beans we are having this problem with (there are others, as well, similarly structured).



            <ejb-ql>select object(ts) from TreeStructure ts where ts.parentId = ?1</ejb-ql>

            <ejb-ql>select object(ts) from TreeStructure ts where ts.pathToRoot like ?1</ejb-ql>



            <jboss-ql>select object(ts) from TreeStructure ts where ts.parentId = ?1</jboss-ql>

            <jboss-ql>select object(ts) from TreeStructure ts where ts.pathToRoot like ?1</jboss-ql>





            • 3. Re: findByPrimaryKey and Commit Option A

              Guys, could you give me instructions on how to reproduce it? I had no luck till now. I used JBoss-3.2.2RC3.
              I think it's a good idea to submit a bug report on it.

              • 4. Re: findByPrimaryKey and Commit Option A

                Well, other than what I posted with my descriptors...there are two many to one unidirectional relationships between the relationships bean and the tree structure bean. One goes from the objectId to the objectId, the other from the ownerId to the objectId. Also, this happens for the id at the top of the hierarchy (in this case, the top level of the tree is not stored in the treeStructure table, so a findByPrimaryKey with the top level ID should throw a finderException)

                • 5. Re: findByPrimaryKey and Commit Option A

                  I found the problem.
                  The bean that I did for him findByPrimaryKey() has 1 to 1 relationship with other bean. The other bean was loaded first and because of the commit option A, it put the primary key of the realtionship bean in cache without validating it really exists it in the data base, and it wasn't in the data base.
                  When I did findByPrimaryKey() it looked in the cache and returned, and after when I invoked bussiness operation it throw RuntimeException beacuse it could'nt find it in the data base.
                  It was problem with my data, but JBoss can throw more understandable exception.