9 Replies Latest reply on Mar 5, 2014 12:52 AM by rituraj

    Simple sample basic authentication



      After read several times the wildfly documentation about security realms I think that a working example will be fine.

      I saw these in the standalone.xml:

      <security-realm name="ApplicationRealm">


          <local default-user="$local" allowed-users="*"/>

          <properties path="application-users.properties" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>



          <properties path="application-roles.properties" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>




      and I think that I can add users and roles with add-user.sh


      My problem is how to map these to the web.xml of my app.




                  <web-resource-name>Viz Data Proxy</web-resource-name>





















      These is a working sample with glassfish.

      Can someone help me?