I am new to JBOSS OSGi. I have installed jbosgi-installer-2.1.0 with wildfly-8.0.0.Alpha3. I created helloworld Service and Consumer bundles using OSGi API to register and reference the OSGi services. This is working fine.
Now I want to use Blueprint instead of OSGi API. I created service bundle using Blueprint. I copied the bundle into ..wildfly-8.0.0.Alpha3\standalone\deployments folder. I can see the bundle in Wildfly console as well as in Apache felix web console But I can not see any service in felix web console.
I have copied 5 aries jars from ..\JBossOSGi2.1.0\bundles into ..\wildfly-8.0.0.Alpha3\standalone\deployments.
I invoked init-method on service Bean to check if the bean is created or not, but its not invoking init method. Also I put invalid OSGI-INF\blueprint\config.xml ( <?bean ...) but there is no error message. Bellow messages I am getting when the bundle is stopped and started. So I guess the Blueprint extender is not processing blueprint xml files (OSGI-INF\blueprint\config.xml).
14:48:49,990 INFO [org.jboss.osgi.framework] (XNIO-1 task-11) JBOSGI011003: Bundle stopped: rnd.blueprint.helloworld.service:1.0.6
14:48:52,420 INFO [org.jboss.osgi.framework] (XNIO-1 task-4) JBOSGI011002: Bundle started: rnd.blueprint.helloworld.service:1.0.6
Any help would be great help. Is the any way to check whats going wrong?
Note: In MANIFEST.MF, I used Import-Package: org.apache.aries.blueprint also I tried to using DynamicImport-Package: * but still not working.
Thanks a lot,
Message was edited by: Mukund Bile