1. Re: mod_cluster 1.3.0 download
rhusar Mar 7, 2014 10:02 AM (in response to joakimg)Hi Joakim,
Unfortunately, it takes a while to build all the natives and a last minute bug was discovered in the already released 1.3.0 binary. The 1.3.1 binary will be up on the site shortly, meanwhile there are few things you can do:
- Build master youself: modcluster/mod_cluster · GitHub
- Temporarily use 1.2.x binaries from the website (it is compatible)
Stay tuned.
2. Re: mod_cluster 1.3.0 download
jbhurat Jul 3, 2014 2:41 PM (in response to rhusar)Hi Rado,
Do we have the release dates for 1.3.0.Final or 1.3.1.Final.
3. Re: mod_cluster 1.3.0 download
pieperch Nov 28, 2014 3:20 AM (in response to jbhurat)Hi all,
is there any news regarding the 1.3.0 Final or 1.3.1 Final downloads on jboss.org?
Christian -
4. Re: mod_cluster 1.3.0 download
fbrubbo Jan 11, 2015 7:52 AM (in response to rhusar)It has been almost a year since you have told us that the binaries of mod_cluster 1.3.x would be released. Are you guys still working on mod_cluser? are it still unstable? or you gave up?
I've seen some commits on git hub but no binaries at all (mod_cluster - Downloads - JBoss Community).
Once 2.4.x version of apache/httpd are the default distribution, I would expect there is a version of mod_cluster that work on these web servers. It is important to say that 1.2.6 does not work.
5. Re: mod_cluster 1.3.0 download
hjq0930 Sep 9, 2016 2:59 AM (in response to rhusar)Hi Radoslav,
In mod_cluster 1.3.1.final, mod_cluster-manager status page reports wrong information. For details, can you please check following thread.
Apache mod_cluster 1.3.1.Final never update num sessions