1. Re: Overlord Distro
objectiser Mar 11, 2014 4:59 AM (in response to kurtstam)Thanks Kurt. Just a couple of comments:
1) In general I think I prefer not bundling tomcat or even downloading tomcat - it makes it more flexible for users to be able to select the specific version of a target environment, and also to install overlord in an existing pre-configured environment. It doesn't take long for them to download tomcat themselves - and the script can then just ask for the location. Or the script could ask the user if they wish to download or select an existing location?
2) In the readme,
a) it would be good to provide the download para for tomcat aswell, just to be consistent - including which versions are supported
b) the ant target for eap should be deploy-eap - would prefer eap not to be considered a default, but simply one of a selection of environments supported. Possibly the 'deploy' target should display a menu?
3) Start tomcat - script name is 'startup.sh'
4) Can you put the URL of the sramp-ui in the "You can verify..." sentence - did not find it on the SRAMP Getting Started guide, but found it in the sramp readme.txt - but think it would be better that they don't need to dig through other docs to get something up to play with.
Good work!
2. Re: Overlord Distro
kurtstam Mar 11, 2014 10:07 AM (in response to objectiser)Gary Brown wrote:
Thanks Kurt. Just a couple of comments:
1) In general I think I prefer not bundling tomcat or even downloading tomcat - it makes it more flexible for users to be able to select the specific version of a target environment, and also to install overlord in an existing pre-configured environment. It doesn't take long for them to download tomcat themselves - and the script can then just ask for the location. Or the script could ask the user if they wish to download or select an existing location?
2) In the readme,
a) it would be good to provide the download para for tomcat aswell, just to be consistent - including which versions are supported
b) the ant target for eap should be deploy-eap - would prefer eap not to be considered a default, but simply one of a selection of environments supported. Possibly the 'deploy' target should display a menu?
3) Start tomcat - script name is 'startup.sh'
4) Can you put the URL of the sramp-ui in the "You can verify..." sentence - did not find it on the SRAMP Getting Started guide, but found it in the sramp readme.txt - but think it would be better that they don't need to dig through other docs to get something up to play with.
Good work!
ad 1. In addition, they can select the version by changing it in the build.properties.
ad 2. hmm I like have eap be the default. This is what we use and runs with the skinniest wars, use CMT rather then BMT, runs with the modeshape service for easier configuration, add clustering support etc etc.. I think the apache distro is just there for making it easier to try it.
ad 3&4 fixed.