1. Re: Common Karaf features
eric.wittmann Mar 12, 2014 12:10 PM (in response to objectiser)I am 500% in favor of this approach. The main reason I haven't done this already was that it was pretty daunting. For example, s-ramp depends on resteasy and modeshape (to name only two). Each of those dependencies might also depend on apache commons or http client or whatever. It has the potential to snowball a bit, so I cut my losses as soon as I got everything actually working.
The current plugin that s-ramp is using to generate the features.xml file may need some improvements if you are interested in using it for this purpose. I'd say give it a try and I'm happy to work with you to enhance it if necessary.
2. Re: Common Karaf features
objectiser Mar 12, 2014 12:19 PM (in response to eric.wittmann)Ok, sounds like a good target to aim for, but possibly (if as daunting as you say) may not be possible before the next release.
So initial step I'll take the same approach as you have done for sramp, and then we can look to refine over time.