1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 13, 2014 3:08 PM by wdfink

    Best practice for CPU/memory consuming methods



      In my application I have certain reporting methods which are very time, cpu and memory consuming. The duration of those methods is no problem, the user starts the reporting and when it is done, the report is send by mail to the user. However the CPU and memory usage of those methods slow down the entire application.

      I used to solve this issue by creating a second client-application and a second server-application (on a slow machine) which connects to the same database. Causing us to always deploying and maintaining the same application twice.

      Our server application is an EJB3 application that runs on a jboss EAP 5.1.

      Any suggestions are welcome. Please let me know if I need to elaborate this issue some more.

      Thank you in advance

        • 1. Re: Best practice for CPU/memory consuming methods

          You might use the same application on a different server and start the reporting here. This is what I've done before with a similar scenario.

          The only thing to consider is whether you run concurrent to the productive instance, it depends on the application whether you can have inconsistence here.

          But with JPA you should not have issues if there is no second-level cache

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