6 Replies Latest reply on Sep 29, 2014 7:28 AM by jrantav

    Is JBoss OSGi dead?


      If not, when will there be a release that works with WildFly 8.0.0.Final?


      Best regards,


        • 1. Re: Is JBoss OSGi dead?

          JBOSGi has currently no maintainer - RedHat pulled the plug on the project and also discontinued its involvement in the  OSGi Alliance.

          OSGi continues to be supported in JBoss Fuse

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Is JBoss OSGi dead?

            I'm sorry to hear that.


            I had followed this thread

            Status of JBoss OSGi

            but I'd taken it to mean that JBoss OSGi had been removed from WildFly/EAP but was going to be continued as an independent project.


            I don't regard Fuse as an alternative, Fuse is only a subset of Java EE 7.


            What are the options for continuing JBoss OSGi as a community project? Are there any examples of community projects where project and release management responsibility is not held by a RedHat employee?


            Best regards,


            • 3. Re: Is JBoss OSGi dead?

              The alternative is that a living soul starts taking an interest and continuous to run the project. Anybody can do that - RedHat is not preventing community to contribute/lead projects hosted on jboss.org. 

              • 4. Re: Is JBoss OSGi dead?

                Fair enough (or tough luck!).

                BTW if I download the code from the git repo, I do not see all the java source. By that I mean that there are some other artifacts that are used that seem to be OSGI specific but that are pulled from the maven repo. For instance:











                Are those artifacts part of another project?

                • 5. Re: Is JBoss OSGi dead?

                  Forget about that. Found them.

                  • 6. Re: Is JBoss OSGi dead?

                    Ok, I get that OSGi has no maintainer anymore. However I find worrying that there is still no public announcement about this, just forum posts. There are no news about it, nothing on the jbosgi site, etc.


                    JBoss 7.1.1 is really old, but you can't really update from there if you have OSGi components, which is why the message should be strong and clear. There are still big clients that work with OSGi in JBoss. Those clients need to find migration paths, as Red Hat/JBoss doesn't seem to be providing anything for Java EE + OSGi. Fuse isn't a product that can be used for that. How are we supposed to communicate to clients about the status of OSGi in JBoss, if all we have are postings on the forum?


                    In short: will there be an official announcement about this?