1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 18, 2014 6:10 AM by ctomc

    Is it possible to disable undertow's non-blocking feature in wildfly?


      Since undertow in wildfly is so new, we are really nervous to use it in production. So as a backup plan, it is possible to disable the non-blocking to make it behave just like traditional web server such as tomcat or jboss web? If so, how?



        • 1. Re: Is it possible to disable undertow's non-blocking feature in wildfly?



          by default most of the things that EE applications use are backed  by servlet container and servlets are defined as blocking IO.

          So by having servlet based application you never use non-blocking mode for serving request.


          Unless you use new spec defined features such as WebSockets or Async Servlets you wont see/use non-blocking IO.


