1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 19, 2014 9:55 AM by jay.guidos-bidstrading.com

    How can I publish my jbpm repository to Github?


      I would like to save my repository somewhere outside of my jbpm installation and would like to be able to share my repository with others.  I have cloned other people's repositories *from* Github, but Github for Windows does not seem to recognize MyRepository.git as a local repository.

        • 1. Re: How can I publish my jbpm repository to Github?

          The KIE Workbench can also act as a remote GIT server, so you don't need to go at the git files on your file system directly.  While the KIE Workbench is running, you can clone from it directly:


          git clone http://localhost:9418/MyRepository


          You can even commit back to it as necessary. The downside is that KIE Workbench must be up and running to see this repo, so usually we set up another upstream repo in our clone and everyone shares that instead.  Then you pull changes down from the KIE WB as needed and repush (or pull) back from your upstream repo as needed.

