12 Replies Latest reply on Mar 18, 2014 1:23 PM by rockeys

    XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1


      I'm new to jboss7. I have many ejb2.1 beans defined for jboss4.2.3 and deployed.

      All my EJBs are defined using XDoclet annotations. Now we are migrating jboss version to jboss7.1.1.

      I searched for xdoclet reference for ejb2.1 to support jboss7.1.1, but i did not find any.


      Is there any guidance available for such xdoclet migration?

        • 1. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1

          A lot of that JBoss XDoclet support was done by me, some more than 10 years ago I think.


          But I'm afraid that XDoclet is now dead dead dead. I'm still subscribed to both the xdoclet-user and xdoclet-dev mailing lists and these are very very quiet - maybe 4-6 messages a year on them, You would have a hard time convincing anyone to work on it, let alone have patches applied.


          I'm actually astonished that Eclipse still has xdoclet support in it.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1

            Thanks Stephen,


            Could you suggest what would be best option in my case? I'm really blocked.

            I was able to deploy my ejb jars in jboss7.1.1, but I'm missing with dependcies(<resource-ref/>'s) declared in ejb-jar.xml that are actually defined in jboss.xml (generated by xdoclet- but jboss7.1.1 these xml should be replaced with jboss-ejb3.xml).

            Is there any way to tell xdoclet to refer the new schemas of jboss7.1.1 to generated dependent xml files for ejb's.

            • 3. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1

              It's open source.


              It shouldn't be a big job to modify the jboss doclet. It's basically just template processing.

              • 4. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1

                On a related note, is it that big a task to just write up the jboss-ejb3.xml manually? It's just a xml with a xsd after all.

                • 5. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1

                  Thank you Stephen,


                  I would like to update my jboss doclet processing. Is there any reference that may guide us. It will be very help full.

                  • 6. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1
                    • 7. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1

                      I agree with J

                      • 8. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1

                        Yes, may be.

                        But my build environment just package the files and build the distributables in a single phase. I don't have any chance to pass the process and port them manually in the middle.

                        Even though it is a one time process of a ejb jar, if I made any changes to any one EJB, then I have to update my jboss-ejb3.xml for that jar again.


                        If any new developer comes in absence of me, it will be a problem then.

                        • 9. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1

                          Does your application include CMP entity beans?

                          • 10. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1

                            Yes I have CMP Beans, do you find any issues?

                            • 11. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1

                              No, I think it is because migrating SLSB is quite easy and using annotation you would be in the same position as with xdoclet.

                              For CMP the path is JPA which is more complicated.

                              • 12. Re: XDoclet support for jboss7.1.1

                                HI Friends,

                                I am newbie to JBOSS. This is on Weblogic to JBOSS migration. The initial query which supported in Weblogic doesn’t support in JBOSS as it seems nested subquery should be defined in some other format like declared-sql format. So we tried that and that second query given below. But that throws the following exception.


                                My prediction was this is some annotation issue not supported or xdoclet issue on creating the supporting classes. We use xdoclet 1.2.3 version

                                Specification === JBOSS-4.0.5, JDK 1.5,EJB 2.0, xdoclet 1.2.3

                                Can you please let me know the XDoclet version which used in your project  and will the EJB 2.0 Support the annotations as @jboss.declared-sql is created in ejb-jar.xml?

                                Thanks in advance.

