1. Re: Cannot load metrics in JBoss 7 sub-resources
werrenmi Mar 26, 2014 1:57 AM (in response to werrenmi)Hello
Its solved. Define schedules has fixed the problem.
2. Re: Cannot load metrics in JBoss 7 sub-resources
dexterteam Apr 2, 2014 4:09 AM (in response to werrenmi)Hi,
Ho I can define schedules and where ?
3. Re: Cannot load metrics in JBoss 7 sub-resources
werrenmi Apr 2, 2014 10:22 AM (in response to dexterteam)Hello
In the inventory you will find resources / sub-resources. When you click on one, you will will see the monitoring tab. Under this are metrics, schedules and traits placed. Many metrics has no default schedules. If this the case, the error message i mentioned in the first post will occur. Which make sense, because metrics without data can't work :-). A schedule gather data for metrics.
4. Re: Cannot load metrics in JBoss 7 sub-resources
dexterteam Apr 3, 2014 3:08 AM (in response to werrenmi)Thanks,
on my resource is only availability resource, and I don`t know to enable all metrics.
5. Re: Cannot load metrics in JBoss 7 sub-resources
jayshaughnessy Apr 3, 2014 10:56 AM (in response to dexterteam)Different resource types offer different metrics. Which resource type are you looking at? It's possible it doesn't have any metrics defined for collection, but almost all types do offer some set of metrics. If you see only 'Availability' then perhaps that is the only thing defined for that type (note that all types get an 'Availability' metric to report whether it is 'up' or 'down').
But for most types, under the Monitoring->Schedules subtab you should see several metrics, and you can enable/disable and customize the collection intervals.
6. Re: Cannot load metrics in JBoss 7 sub-resources
dexterteam Apr 3, 2014 11:11 AM (in response to jayshaughnessy)Hi,
Ok, I know it. The earlier version was different.
I found what I was looking for
Regards and Thank you