4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 20, 2014 11:20 PM by clebert.suconic

    ServerSession on ProtonSession


      I'm trying to find the link between the ServerSession on ProtonSession and its actual usage.



      looking at the code the serverSession is created by never used. I could even remove it and nothing would be affected on the code. Is there any IDs being passed around in such way the server sesison is used through protocol of any kind? I couldn't find that link.

        • 1. Re: ServerSession on ProtonSession

          BTW: I was looking if it would be possible to abstract the Server's usage in such way the same protocol class could be used on the client.

          • 2. Re: ServerSession on ProtonSession

            looking at the code the serverSession is created by never used.

            I use the server session for creating queues and a consumer to handle the server side AMQP sender + also tx stuff.

            Is there any IDs being passed around in such way the server sesison is used through protocol of any kind?

            Not sure what you mean by that.

            BTW: I was looking if it would be possible to abstract the Server's usage in such way the same protocol class could be used on the client.

            yes, that should work, its the main reason I mentioned about the symmetric way of AMQP.

            • 3. Re: ServerSession on ProtonSession

              ataylor: I was wondering why ProtonRemotingConnection needs a Sasl.. and why we couldn't use just the ones from the HOrnetQ server. It seems to be duplicating authentication with the server?


              I'm a bit confused on why it needs a separate Sasl from the application server.

              • 4. Re: ServerSession on ProtonSession

                I got to a point where I can create a ProtonSession and adapt to the Protocol. I'm faking topology updates as they are not existent on AMQP so the current ClientSessionFActory can work fine.


                So far the approach is valid and it's working fine.


                I'm a bit concerned by the State Machine with Proton <-> HornetQ. So far I don't see any events.. always having to query for what's being changed can be a bit costly. it would be better to have a listener or something like that... but I will hold suggesting changes until later after everything is implemented.