1. Re: Why no forum for Resteasy
justinwyer Nov 2, 2009 5:22 AM (in response to traviskds)Join us on the mailing list. https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/resteasy-developers
Perhaps later the S/N ratio would be to great for Bill, for now its works very well I think, as a user of RE.
BTW your understanding of it is correct, RE is great :) -
2. Re: Why no forum for Resteasy
bill.burke Nov 2, 2009 5:06 PM (in response to traviskds)"traviskds" wrote:
Resteasy does not still have a forum of its own which is quite surprising since it has already released its first GA version.
Is Redhat/JBoss looking at using another implemention of the JAX-RS spec instead of Resteasy or will Resteasy form the core of the Resful services stack of JBoss. (which was BTW my understanding)
If so, why no forum and even the http://www.jboss.org/resteasy/ wiki is thin on information.
I hate forums. Use the mail list. -
3. Re: Why no forum for Resteasy
bill.burke Nov 2, 2009 5:07 PM (in response to traviskds)Also, we have over 100+ pages of documentation. I don't know what exactly you mean by thin...
4. Re: Why no forum for Resteasy
traviskds Nov 2, 2009 6:07 PM (in response to traviskds)Thanks Justin and Bill.
Will get on the mailing list. Its just that I have been using the JBoss forums and have done a lot of extensive searches before I post a question.
I guess I can refer to the mail list archives before I post any question. Not sure if it provides any search functionality. Maybe I need to look a bit more.
But may I suggest that you guys look at forums or at least presenting all the JBoss technology stack in a consistent fashion.
I work for a very large telco and I am one of the JBoss champions within the organizations and one of the issues we face when we come up against guys promoting commercial products such as the Oracle stack is that open source is fragmented and difficult to get information. This is true when you compare different open source frameworks from different communities but if you decide to go with one stack (as I advocate I.E. use the JBoss stack), then we need to have all the information presented/searchable via a common format. Most of JBoss technology is in the forums but a few like SEAM have their own forum and then now RestEasy does not even use a forum and prefer mailing lists.
I am not complaining as for me I will go where ever the information is available to get my job done so its not that much of an issue for me but when you look at the bigger picture, then can be an issue. -
5. Re: Why no forum for Resteasy
traviskds Nov 2, 2009 6:13 PM (in response to traviskds)"bill.burke@jboss.com" wrote:
Also, we have over 100+ pages of documentation. I don't know what exactly you mean by thin...
Bill, my apologies regarding the thin on doco comment. I guess I did not phrase it properly. What I was trying to convey was that you don't get user posts/replies that relate to issues rather than documentation of RE per say.
The docs on the framework itself is really great. Without any prior REST background, I was able to very quickly get it working with consumes and produces of xml, json,plain text and multipart . This is truly a very easy to use framework.
And yes, RE rocks. I first did a standalone application and then did one with Seam. Yesterday we had a code hackathon at my company and I did an application using SEAM/RE and it just rocks and was able to impress my fellow non SEAM/RE colleagues. So thanks a lot to Bill and his team/contributors. I hope RE will go from strength to strength. -
6. Re: Why no forum for Resteasy
lucasvc Mar 25, 2014 7:52 AM (in response to bill.burke)Bill Burke escribió:
I hate forums. Use the mail list.IMHO:
I hate mail list, very hard to find things (unless you can find in markmail or others), you have to be "reading" always,...I love forums, really easy to find things (thanks to Google), you only read what you need,...
BTW: I've found (and I think I'm already subscribed) also https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/resteasy-users, which should I use, this or -developers?