12 Replies Latest reply on Dec 2, 2009 10:33 AM by alesj

    JBossAS 5.1.0.GA no WebServer JMX Notifications


      I want to migrate a following behavior from JBoss 4.0.3SP1 to JBoss 5, but it does not work.

      A JMX notification listener is added at "jboss.web:service=WebServer" to be notified when a war file is deployed to get the context root from the WebMetaData of the notification.

      The problems are:
      1) The WebServer MBean did not send notifications any more.

      2) The method getContextRoot() does not exist at WebMetaData.

      Do you have any ideas, how to achieve this behavior with JBoss 5, too.
      Maybe with "deployment callbacks" (if yes do you have a example for me)

      br Ramses