0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 26, 2014 1:05 PM by sbutt

    ejb injection problem


      Hi All,


      I am trying to inject a locat stateless bean into another bean. Both beans are in different packages/jars.


      Both the beans get deployed fine, but when i enable the injection of bean 1 in my bean 2, i get the following error:



        Deployment "startup-singleton-initiator:topLevelUnit=com.abc.integra.ams2.kernel.war,unit=com.traveltainment.integra.ams2.kernel.war,bean=AutoScheduler" is in error due to the following reason(s): javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: CacheLoaderBean not bound


      Bean 1:


      public class CacheLoaderBean implements CacheLoader
        private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
      public void loadPersistenceUnitsToCache()
          String persistenceUnits = configService.getProperty("AvailablePersistenceUnits");
          log.info("reloading persistence units: " + persistenceUnits);
      public interface CacheLoader
        public void loadPersistenceUnitsToCache();



      Bean 2:


      public class AutoScheduler {   
        @EJB(mappedName = "CacheLoaderBean/Local")
        CacheLoader  cacheLoader;
        private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
        private InitialContext initialContext;
        * This method will be invoked every day at 5:00:00 in the morning 
        * @param timer The timer instance 
        //@Schedule (second = "*/10" , minute  = "*", hour = "*", persistent=false)
        @Schedule(persistent = false, second = "12", minute = "*", hour = "*", info = "evictProfiles")
        private void executeEveryDayAtFive(Timer timer) throws Exception 
        // do some task here. 
        log.info("Auto-timer method invoked at " + new Date() + " for Cache scheduler bean " + this.getClass().getSimpleName());
        System.out.println("/ " + new Date() + " for bean " + this.getClass().getSimpleName());  


      In my above bean 2, when i enable the injection of  CacheLoaderBean, i get the error mentioned above.


      Could someone please tell me how to handle this bean injection so then I can finally manage to call the method "cacheLoader.loadPersistenceUnitsToCache();" of the injected bean?


      Thanks. log.info("Auto-timer method invoked at " +