1. Re: RHQ 4.9 or later - Using JMX application mbeans in JBoss plugin
tsegismont Dec 9, 2013 8:26 AM (in response to dreschler)1 of 1 people found this helpfulHi Gerhard,
Yes, it's still true. If you want to monitor custom MBeans, you will have to create your own RHQ agent plugin.
Actually, I think an how-to guide would make a good blog post subject. Tell me if you're interested.
2. Re: RHQ 4.9 or later - Using JMX application mbeans in JBoss plugin
dreschler Dec 9, 2013 10:29 AM (in response to tsegismont) -
3. Re: RHQ 4.9 or later - Using JMX application mbeans in JBoss plugin
tsegismont Dec 10, 2013 10:12 AM (in response to dreschler)Something similar, yes. But targeting AS7 / Wildfly and not in demo format.
4. Re: RHQ 4.9 or later - Using JMX application mbeans in JBoss plugin
dreschler Dec 11, 2013 6:52 AM (in response to tsegismont)Targeting AS7 and not in demo format would be great.
5. Re: RHQ 4.9 or later - Using JMX application mbeans in JBoss plugin
tsegismont Mar 18, 2014 12:21 PM (in response to dreschler)Hi Gerhard,
I eventually wrote this blog post: Monitoring MBeans of a Java EE application deployed on EAP 6 with RHQ
Sorry this is long overdue.
6. Re: RHQ 4.9 or later - Using JMX application mbeans in JBoss plugin
vishal.shinde Mar 27, 2014 3:16 AM (in response to tsegismont)Hi Thomas,
Your blog is very useful but my bad i am not much into development can you please help me with more simple steps to monitor my custom mbeans deployes in Jboss AS 7.1 + .
Thanks in advance
7. Re: RHQ 4.9 or later - Using JMX application mbeans in JBoss plugin
tsegismont Mar 27, 2014 4:16 AM (in response to vishal.shinde)All you need is summarized in the "The custom agent plugin" section of the article:
- Create a directory for your custom plugin
- Create a Maven POM file to build it (from the example in the article)
- Create a src/main/resources/META-INF/rhq-plugin.xml file to describe your MBeans (again, from the example in the article)
And run mvn clean install
There's a comprehensive documentation of the Maven plugin for agent plugin online.