7 Replies Latest reply on Apr 9, 2014 3:04 AM by cescobar

    query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner doesn't work with MySql db




      I am getting the following problem by implementing a Web Application by using JBPM 6 as a Engine. the app uses MySQL DB as schema which was created from the ddl scripts included into the jbpm-installer downloaded from jboss site.

      The problem consists when startProcess is invoked the table SELECT * FROM mysqlinnodb.Task;  Has the columns actualOwner_id and createdBy_id both null

      and when I try to retreive tasks associated to specific user nothing is returned.



      Please give me a guidance to solve that.


      Thanks in advance


        • 1. Re: query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner doesn't work with MySql db

          so what's the user assignment, user or group? since actual owner is null then it must be a group or multi user assignment or your user group callback instructs task service to skip users/groups as the do not exists. Please provide more details on your case as it's hard to diagnose on the current information.



          • 2. Re: query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner doesn't work with MySql db

            Hi Maciej


            I am using a ApplicationScoped class like this.




            public class WFApplicationScopedProducer {



                private InjectableRegisterableItemsFactory factory;



                private UserGroupCallback usergroupCallback;


                @PersistenceUnit(unitName = "org.jbpm.workflow.financial-web")

                private EntityManagerFactory emf;



                public EntityManagerFactory produceEntityManagerFactory() {

                    if (this.emf == null) {

                        this.emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("org.jbpm.workflow.financial-web");


                    return this.emf;



                @EJB AccountService acctService;






                public RuntimeEnvironment produceEnvironment(EntityManagerFactory emf) {


                    Collection<Account> list = acctService.getAccounts();

                    HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();

                    for(Account acct : list){

                        String entityId = acct.getDepartment().getDepartmentcode();

                        //String entityValue = acct.getEmail()+":en-UK:"+acct.getDepartment().getDepartmentcode();

                        String entityValue = acct.getDepartment().getDepartmentcode();

                        map.put(entityId, entityValue);



                    Properties properties= new Properties();


                    System.out.println("Entities values::::: "+properties);


                    usergroupCallback = new JBossUserGroupCallbackImpl(properties);


                    RuntimeEnvironment environment = RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder.Factory.get()









                    return environment;









            public class AppUserGroupCallback implements UserGroupCallback {


                 public boolean existsUser(String userId) {

                     System.out.println("AppUserGroupCallback.userId ::::::::::::::::::::: "+ userId);

                      return userId.equals("ADMIN") || userId.equals("COMPRAS") || userId.equals("Administrator");




                    public boolean existsGroup(String groupId) {

                       return groupId.equals("ADMIN") || groupId.equals("COMPRAS");




                public List<String> getGroupsForUser(String userId, List<String> groupIds, List<String> allExistingGroupIds)


                     List<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>();


                     if (userId.equals("ADMIN"))



                     else if (userId.equals("COMPRAS"))



                     System.out.println("AppUserGroupCallback.groups ::::::::::::::::::::: "+ groups);


                     return groups;





            And then, I need to populate usergroupCallback from my db tables instead of an file properties. I have the following beans.xml file content


            <beans xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

                   xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://docs.jboss.org/cdi/beans_1_0.xsd

            http://jboss.org/schema/weld/beans http://jboss.org/schema/weld/beans_1_1.xsd">












            When the application is deploy in console appears.

            00:12:52,043 INFO  [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 86) Entities values::::: {ADMIN=ADMIN, CIENCIA=CIENCIA}

            That says to me what my db table is being read to populate my usergroupCallback.


            But When I go to my SQL tables I see this:


            SELECT * FROM mysqlinnodb.OrganizationalEntity;

            DTYPE  id

            User       Administrator

            Group     Administrators

            Group     Crusaders

            User       john

            Group    "Knights Templer"


            My processInstaceId is generated and I see it into SELECT * FROM mysqlinnodb.Task;  But


            16,0,NULL,"APROBACION POR DIRECTOR",0,NoAction,"2014-03-31 00:13:18","2014-03-31 00:13:18",default-singleton,0,16,java.util.HashMap,NULL,NULL,-1,NULL,NULL,NULL,-1,NULL,-1,2,com.sample.requisition,16,1,1,Ready,16,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL


            When actualOwner_Id and createdBy_Id both are null


            And into my ProcessDefinition diagram I have actorId: ADMIN for the first task when the process starts.

            and the rest with their respective actorId


            So I am very confused how to solve that


            Thanks for your reply

            • 3. Re: query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner doesn't work with MySql db

              I have encounted the same problem, I hope it could be solved soon. the intertested thing is that the user krisv, john and mary does work, but the other user does not work.

              • 4. Re: query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner doesn't work with MySql db

                May be you miss the following code in your WFApplicationScopedProducer


                public UserGroupCallback produceUserGroupCallback() {
                return usergroupCallback;
                • 5. Re: query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner doesn't work with MySql db

                  Thank you Yi,  Let me try it and I will come back to comment you.

                  • 6. Re: query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner doesn't work with MySql db

                    if you would like to use users and groups from your own data base table you can use DBUserGroupCallback implementation that will directly use your tables to find out if user/group exists.



                    • 7. Re: query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner doesn't work with MySql db



                      By the way do you know how can I get the Process Variables by using the Kie API in jbpm6 ? I see in the rewards-basic example it set an input paramenter named recipient, but there is no example of how to retreive that data.