1. Re: Error creating new protocol
objectiser Apr 3, 2014 9:44 AM (in response to rosshorne)Hi Ross
Could you provide information about which version you are using and the update site link?
Reason for asking is that currently the jboss scribble site is an older version of the project that is no longer being actively developed. The scribble.org website links to the github project where a newer version of the tooling is being developed, in collaboration with academics at Imperial University.
So I just need to be sure which version you are using before investigating what might be going wrong. If you are using the older (2.0.0.Final) version, then please try the version here: http://scribble.github.io/scribble-java.html
If you are using the newer version already, then if you could let me know which Eclipse version you are using, and whether there are any exceptions in the Error Log.
PS: I'll update the jboss.org site now, to avoid any confusion in the future.
2. Re: Error creating new protocol
rosshorne Apr 3, 2014 11:59 AM (in response to objectiser)Hi Gary,
I used "install new updates" with the URI: http://download.jboss.org/scribble/tools/latest . This is throwing the above error. I'm guessing it's version 2.0.0.Final.
Separately, I've also download and built version 0.3.0.M4. Excuse my lack of skills, but at this point I'm not sure how I then manually add this built plugin so that it can be used in Eclipse. I prefer command line tools, but the command line tools seem to have been depreciated in version 0.3.0.M4!
Updating JBoss would be great. Eventually, I found that I needed Maven 3.0.x and Java 1.6 to build the project (Maven 3.2.x and Java 1.7 fail).
Thanks for your help,
3. Re: Error creating new protocol
objectiser Apr 3, 2014 12:14 PM (in response to rosshorne)Hi Ross
That URL is for the newer version of the tools, which is actually version 0.3.0.M4 - the reason for going backwards with the version number is to align it with the version of the language spec being worked on at Imperial University. So the 2.x codebase is being retired.
Once the tools are built, the zipped update site is located here: scribble-java/tools/eclipse/site/target/site_assembly.zip. So when you go to "Install new updates", locate this file on your computer, and it should load from there.
I am intending to re-instate the command line tools, just been focusing on the Eclipse tools at the moment. I'll try to have them available for M5.
I'll investigate the maven/java 1.7 issues - although it would be great if you could create a jira for this (Scribble - JBoss Issue Tracker) so that the issue can be tracked.
Which version of Eclipse are you using?
4. Re: Error creating new protocol
objectiser Apr 3, 2014 12:27 PM (in response to objectiser)Hi Ross
Actually don't worry about the jira - I think the problem should now be resolved if you pull the latest version of master. Maven 3.1+ requires tycho 0.18.1 - so I've updated the version and it seems to build ok for me with jdk 1.7.
Let me know if you have any more problems building the code.
5. Re: Error creating new protocol
rosshorne Apr 3, 2014 3:36 PM (in response to objectiser)Hi Gary,
Thanks for the quick fix and pointers. Yes, the Maven 3.2.1 problem was with Tycho. I confirm that the latest pull of scribble-java now builds with Maven 3.2.1.
The original problem remains. Here's the error when I create a new protocol, using New -> Other -> Scribble -> Protocol:
"The selected wizard could not be started.
Plug-in org.scribble.editor.tools was unable to load class org.scribble.editor.tools.editor.NewProtocolWizard.
The exact version of the plugin is now 0.3.0.v20140403-1842-LOCAL. The version of eclipse is 3.8.1.
Note: This version still doesn't build with Java 1.7. The error is the same as before: "Unable to find package java.lang in classpath or bootclasspath". With Java 1.6 it builds fine, so I may have simply made a mistake at this end when configuring Java 1.7.
6. Re: Error creating new protocol
objectiser Apr 3, 2014 4:12 PM (in response to rosshorne)Hi Ross
Were there any errors in the Error Log? (Window->Show View->Other and then General->Error Log).
The jdk1.7 issue sounds strange - never seen a case where the jdk couldn't find its own java.lang classes. Might be worth installing a new version to be sure.
7. Re: Error creating new protocol
rosshorne Apr 3, 2014 4:54 PM (in response to objectiser)Hi Gary,
There are no error logs generated. I'll try the same on another machine with a different set up in the morning, to see if the error is reproduced.
8. Re: Error creating new protocol
objectiser Apr 3, 2014 5:47 PM (in response to rosshorne)Looks like it is a problem in the release - I tried it on a couple of Eclipse versions. Initially I thought it might be a problem with a missing dependency in the standard edition (i.e. requiring JEE developer version), but doesn't work on any.
Could you create a bug in jira.
In the meantime, just create an empty text file with extension .scr, and you will be able to create protocols etc.
Thanks for finding the issues.
9. Re: Error creating new protocol
rosshorne Apr 4, 2014 10:14 AM (in response to rosshorne)Hi Gary,
I've added the bug to JIRA. In the latest Eclipse, everything else seems to work.
I have one further question.
It's clear that monitoring protocols as directly described in Monitoring a Protocol with Scribble won't work in the latest version. My question is: will monitors work in principal if I try hard enough to understand the new module structure and follow the same methodology, or are monitors not quite ready yet in scribble 0.3?
10. Re: Error creating new protocol
objectiser Apr 4, 2014 3:24 AM (in response to rosshorne)Ross Horne wrote:
Monitoring has changed in scribble 0.3. Its usage is documented here: Chapter 2. How To … and there is a screencast showing it here: https://vimeo.com/89245154
For M5, I have refactored some of the APIs to make them as simple to use - and I'm in the process of writing a developers guide to explain how they can be used directly from your own app.
Sorry this area has changed quite a bit, but hopefully should remain stable from now on. Although any feedback you have on the tools or API (when M5 is available) will be appreciated.
Ross Horne wrote:
2. The minor observation is that the only feature you mention in recent tutorials that doesn't work is "succeeds":false. The tag is not recognised by the current release. Clearly, this is a minor issue.
The 'succeeds = false' should be working fine, as demo'd in the screencast. If you have a particular protocol and trace file that appears not to work, then could you create a bug in jira, attaching the protocol and trace files.
11. Re: Error creating new protocol
rosshorne Apr 4, 2014 10:15 AM (in response to objectiser)Hi Gary,
Thank you once again for the quick response. Monitoring traces, as shown in the screen cast, works well and is great for testing purposes.
Further to what is shown in the screen cast, we'd like to be able to monitor live running protocols. I understand that we can create runtime monitors that observe the messages of participants and check at runtime that each participant does conform to the local protocol for the corresponding endpoint. I've tried digging into org.scribble.common, org.scribble.module, org.scribble.logging and org.scribble.monitor to stitch together live runtime monitors, but it's slow guessing how components fit together without docs. I'm wondering whether capabilities for live monitors are ready, or whether I should wait for more stability... This project is exciting, so I maybe trying to get my hands on it too early!
Note: Apologies about "succeeds":false. It does work fine.
12. Re: Re: Error creating new protocol
objectiser Apr 4, 2014 6:39 AM (in response to rosshorne)Hi Ross
There is a monitoring capability, which is used by the trace simulation functionality, and can be used directly in your app to verify the behaviour of communications at runtime.
I've attached an early draft of the java developer guide to hopefully show how it can be used - although if the instructions are not clear let me know. You will need to pull the latest version from master and build, as some of the apis described in this doc have changed since the last release.
As to its maturity, until we get to a 1.0.0.Final release, we can't 100% guarantee stability in terms of the language or the code (APIs, functionality, etc). However its great that you are trying to use it at this early stage, as we need feedback to drive the project.
13. Re: Re: Error creating new protocol
rosshorne Apr 4, 2014 2:26 PM (in response to objectiser)Hi Gary,
Spot on. This is just what I need to make progress. I'll let you know how we get on.