3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 7, 2014 4:05 AM by davsclaus

    Replacing Active MQ with another JMS broker in JBoss Fuse?


      Hi all,


      Can somebody help figure out how to replace Active MQ with another JMS Broker in JBoss Fuse?


      Active MQ is integrated into Fuse as default JMS broker, I am looking for help to figure out what is involved to change A-MQ to another JMS broker? (what config files etc need to be changed etc.. )


      There are two potential use cases here:

      1. JBOSS Fuse  remote client sending/receiving JMS messages to/from JBoss Fuse and instead of those messages being handled by A-MQ they would be routed to a foreign JMS Broker.   (To make a parallel : you can configure a foreign JMS Broker in WebSphere, Weblogic ) . It is probably also doable in FUSE. Looking for pointers on how to do this.


      2. JBoss Fuse may be using A-MQ internally for various purposes including clustering? Is it also possible to re-configure JBoss Fuse to use a different JMS Broker for internal use? If yes, any pointers on how to go about it are appreciated as well.


      Thank you in advance.





        • 1. Re: Replacing Active MQ with another JMS broker in JBoss Fuse?

          I would suggest to keep the foreign JMS broker outside JBoss Fuse, and just let JBoss Fuse integrate with that broker as a standard JMS client.


          Many other JMS brokers are heavy-weight and not designed to be embedded inside another container (eg such as the two brokers you mention).

          You would need to use the minimal JBoss Fuse distribution which does not come with AMQ out of the box.


          Ad 2)

          No JBoss Fuse does not do that unless you use the legacy JBI NMR, or setup AMQ for clustering. So out of the box it does not.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Replacing Active MQ with another JMS broker in JBoss Fuse?

            Thank you Claus!

            Do you think you can help a bit more with a few pointers on how to configure JBoss Fuse as a client?  What I need is an "JMS endpoint" in/out which will actually talk to an foreign JMS broker.

            I looked in documentation, but I can't find any help on how to configure a custom JMS Endpoint. If you can help or at least point me to such sample, it would be of great help.


            Also, if I have jars for a foreign JMS broker which are NOT a OSGI bundle, do I need to create a bundle first? (help of that also appreciated), or I can deploy the libs without having to create any OSGI bundles?


            Also, if there was a way to reconfigure the default JMS Broker to be different instead of A-MQ? Is that a configuration change or would require code changes to JBOSS FUSE?

            I can perfectly live with just a custom JMS Endpoint without getting rid of A-MQ.


            Thank you.



            • 3. Re: Replacing Active MQ with another JMS broker in JBoss Fuse?

              You can use the Camel JMS component as client to any JMS broker



              And you need to install the foreign JMS client as an OSGi bundle. You can use wrap to install a plain JAR as OSGi bundle. Though there can be some situations where that wont work.


              For example

              osgi:install wrap:file:/path/jarname.jar