1 2 Previous Next 21 Replies Latest reply on Apr 10, 2014 5:10 AM by jjakub Go to original post
      • 15. Re: RF 4: rich:tree selectionChangeListener not invoked

        With rowKeyConverter="org.richfaces.IntegerSequenceRowKeyConverter" (why not org.richfaces.convert.IntegerSequenceRowKeyConverter?)  it seems to be working. Thanks, Nick.


        I'm using 4.0.0.Final, does it matter much?

        • 16. RF 4: rich:tree selectionChangeListener not invoked

          This solved my issue too! Thank you very much!!!

          • 17. RF 4: rich:tree selectionChangeListener not invoked

            Just wanted to add, that I also had the same problems today (using the RF 4 tree component for the first time).  I was expecting this to work, but it did not:




            The method was never called.


            After changing the above line to the following, it worked:




            NetBeans does indeed complain about the version that works - it highlights the line as not being a valid attribute for the tree tag.  But it works, so for now I will move on. 


            NeBeans also complained about the line that didn't work for me - it said that there was no such method in the bean.

            • 18. Re: RF 4: rich:tree selectionChangeListener not invoked

              Hi guys, I've just got similar problem. However changing attribute name didn't help. What was strange, the toggleListener worked. After deep dive into code i discovered that toggleListener doesn't need the tree to be nested within form while selectionListener does. And the problem was lack of enclosing form. I think there is a bug in jsf.js in getForm function. It's supposed to return form for given element (the one submitting event) but if it doesn't find enclosing form then it returns first found form on the page (document.forms[0]), which sounds stupid, since right below invocation of getForm there is a check and exception thrown if form is null ("jsf.ajax.request: Method must be called within a form").

              • 19. Re: RF 4: rich:tree selectionChangeListener not invoked

                I solved removing




                I really don't know why, but the default value for selectionType is "ajax" so omitting will not change nothing but makes things working.


                Hope this may help someone.


                EDIT: this solves only on client side and select the item but on server side, the function isn't called. mumble mumble...



                • 20. Re: RF 4: rich:tree selectionChangeListener not invoked

                  this is the solution for me. Thanks.

                  • 21. Re: RF 4: rich:tree selectionChangeListener not invoked

                    Also Great Thx

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