1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 10, 2014 5:59 AM by ctomc

    Jboss 7.1.1 Deployment order


      I have an ear (ear1) and a jar (jar1) in the deployments folder.  The ear contains  jar (jar2) and a war.  jar 2 has a META-INF directory that contains jboss-deployment-structure.xml  which declares a dependency to the external jar, jar1. 



      - jar1


         - jar2

           - META-INF

               - jboss-deployment-structure (that has dependency on jar1)


      On my local machine this deploys ok and in the log you can see that it fully deploys jar1 before the ear is deployed.  But...on another server this is not the case.  The ear starts deploying and gets an error trying to find and EJB in jar1 because jar1 it has not fully deployed yet (don't see the "java:global..." ejb  references from jar1 yet).


      Finally the question.  Is there a way to control the deployment order of the jars/ears in the deployment directory or is there something that I have done wrong? 


