3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 15, 2014 11:29 AM by rich.peters

    Karaf console commands for osgi




      we have had a hard time working around installing some updates to osgi bundles that our security required we make.


      Life would be a lot easier if there were two new features:


        1.  There was an osgi command to query the bundle id of a package name in the maven format:

                     osgi:bundle org.springframework/spring-core/3.1.4.RELEASE

             currently there is no way to get the bundle id of a package easily


        2.  The osgi:install command accepted a bundle bundle-level as an optional parameter (as in the osgi:bundle-level command)

             if you do 1.  you dont absolutely need 1, but it would be convenient


      These two features would make scripting upgrades easier




        • 1. Re: Karaf console commands for osgi

          The Karaf console is like the unix shell so you can pipe commands,


              list -l | grep -i " org.springframework/spring-core"


          Yeah I guess there isn't a sed/awk to grab what you then need.


          You are welcome to make a suggestion at the Apache Karaf project as this is karaf specific


          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Karaf console commands for osgi

            Agree, those would be nice features to add to Karaf. If it helps, here is some ugly scripting I recently used to upgrade Spring 3.1 libs to 3.2:



            ./bin/client -u admin -p admin "osgi:list -s" | grep org.springframework | grep 3.1 | grep -v asm | sed 's/\[ \([0-9]*\).*/\1/' |

            while read id

            do (

               name=`./bin/client -u admin -p admin "osgi:headers --force $id" | grep Symbolic | sed 's/.*= \(.*\)/\1/'`

               echo "Updating $name to 3.2.4.RELEASE"

               ./bin/client -u admin -p admin "osgi:update --force $id mvn:org.springframework/$name/3.2.4.RELEASE"



            1 of 1 people found this helpful
            • 3. Re: Karaf console commands for osgi



              thanks I did post it on the Karaf forum

