0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 15, 2014 8:44 PM by chriskodom

    Remote deployment using governance.targets


      I am testing out the ability to use one sever as the S-RAMP/Governance server. This server will be used to store and deploy Artifacts. My question is that when using workflows and setting governance targets there is only rhq, copy, as_cli and maven available.


      copy - seems only to deploy locally configuring the path to the deploy folder.

      as_cli - seems only to work with domain and Service Works does not work with domain...this is really don't get

      maven - well not trying to put the artifact into a maven repository trying to remote deploy it

      rhq - seems this only works if JON is setup in the environments


      With that said how do you deploy to a remote JBoss EAP 6.1 instance of Service Works from the a fore mentioned server?

