3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 16, 2014 10:58 AM by michpetrov

    Richfaces 4, rich:fileUpload error with the inputStream




      I have the following error with the component rich:fileUpload.


      I have this fileListener:

      private UploadedFile item;

      public void fileListener(FileUploadEvent event) {

           item = event.getUploadedFile();


      works fine.

      but after upload the file, I have a method executed by a h:commandButton, that convert the inputStream into a File:

      private File streamToFile( UploadedFile upFile ){

        File temp = prepareTempFile();

        if(temp != null && temp.exists()) {

                  try {

                  InputStream inputStream = upFile.getInputStream();     //exception

                      if(saveToFile(inputStream, temp)) {

                          return temp;


                  } catch (Exception ex) {




        return null;



      It throws an Exception in this line:

                  InputStream inputStream = upFile.getInputStream();     //exception


      this is the trace:

      java.io.FileNotFoundException: D:\Ivan\desarrollo\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\tmp\work\jboss.web\default-host\svr\richfaces_uploaded_file_2231567571047239373.tmp (El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado)

      (file not found).


      I resolve this in a strange way, I add to the listener the following line:

      private UploadedFile item;

      public void fileListener(FileUploadEvent event) {

           item = event.getUploadedFile();

           InputStream inputStream = upFile.getInputStream();// this solve the problem, just call method getInputStream()


      but I want to know why this happen, and if exist another solution. maybe I'm missing some configuration.

      Thank you.
