1. Re: Does S-RAMP support Restful Services and/or WADLs as artifacts?
kurtstam Apr 22, 2014 6:58 AM (in response to jkampf)Hi Joseph,
You may know I actually also work on the jUDDI project . jUDDI is registry (pointers to where stuff is) while S-RAMP is a repo containing the actual stuff. You are right that we fully support WADL in jUDDI. Depending on your needs the registry can be all you need, but most people have a need for both a registry and a repository. You can store WADL content in S-RAMP right now, but we did not implement a model for it yet (like we did for WSDL), nor is there a specification for it in the S-RAMP spec. S-RAMP in extensible though, and we've already added models for for instance SwitchYard. It'd be great to have a model for WADL. Want to give it a shot implementing it ? We have easy API's around this - so it's easy to write a plugin for it. I can help you get you going.
2. Re: Does S-RAMP support Restful Services and/or WADLs as artifacts?
eric.wittmann Apr 23, 2014 9:04 AM (in response to kurtstam)I agree that it would be amazing to have a WADL model (rhyming FTW!) in s-ramp. And Kurt is right that it's actually super easy to implement a custom Deriver, especially if the source artifact is XML based. So if you wanted to tackle that as a contribution we would be thrilled!
That said, if you don't have the time/ability/inclination to do an implementation, you could contribute a feature request with documentation regarding what specific content you'd like to see derived from the source WADL file. That would be super helpful as well.
Feature Request: [SRAMP-404] Create a Deriver for WADL files - JBoss Issue Tracker
3. Re: Does S-RAMP support Restful Services and/or WADLs as artifacts?
jkampf Apr 25, 2014 9:21 PM (in response to kurtstam)I will look into creating a WADL Deriver.
I also think it would be good if XSDs had the namespace as a property. This would help create relationships on the WADL representations for the XSD elements. Would this be done via a Custom Deriver, or would modifications to the existing Deriver be the way to go?
4. Re: Does S-RAMP support Restful Services and/or WADLs as artifacts?
eric.wittmann Apr 26, 2014 9:57 AM (in response to jkampf)It turns out that the XSD targetNamespace is already a property set on the XsdDocument artifact, and it's already being set by the XsdDeriver.
In fact, the QName of an XSD element or type is already used to create links between derived WSDL artifacts and their appropriate schema types. For example, during the "link" phase of the WSDL Deriver for a derived WSDL Part artifact, the WsdlLinker will query the S-RAMP repository looking for an appropriate (previously derived) schema type or element. There's some more work to be done on this relative to dis-ambiguating the results (there may be multiple versions of the same Schema in the repository, and therefore we may find multiple copies of the same Schema Element by QName). But it's a start!
Feel free to use the WSDL deriver and linker as a guide to how the WADL one might work. And also please feel free to offer suggestions for improvement!
5. Re: Does S-RAMP support Restful Services and/or WADLs as artifacts?
brmeyer Jul 3, 2014 6:17 PM (in response to jkampf)Hey Joseph! Out of curiosity, was any progress made toward the deriver? I might start taking a look at it, but thought I'd check to see if anything was already started. Thanks