4 Replies Latest reply on Apr 27, 2014 8:28 AM by pmm

    Servlet 3.1 asynchronous processing


      Wildfly 8.1.0 RC1




      I am trying to use asynchrnous processing in a servlet. For AsyncContext.start(Runnable), the java ee 7 documentation says


      "Causes the container to dispatch a thread, possibly from a managed thread pool, to run the specified Runnable. The container may propagate appropriate contextual information to the Runnable."

      In wildfly 8.1.0 RC1, asyncContext.start(Runnable) is NOT spanning a new thread but executing the runnable's code within the original request thread.

      Is that the intended behavior ? I am under the impression that the server should span a new thread for Runnable's code.

      Thanks for the clarification in advance.
