1. Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
thomas2004 Apr 11, 2014 7:22 AM (in response to thomas2004)The contend I mean here the body of the email.
2. Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
tsegismont Apr 11, 2014 9:26 AM (in response to thomas2004)How about creating your own email sender plugin? You can start by copying the built-in plugin code, and enhance the email generation part. Remember that you need to update the plugin descriptor to let the server differentiate your plugin from the built-in one.
3. Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
pathduck Apr 11, 2014 1:45 PM (in response to thomas2004)Well, you can always just edit the template like a text file and make it look however you'd like. For instance the default one is really big, and we need to convert email to SMS messages, so I've trimmed out a lot leaving just the essential data.
I think the email subject is there as well but been a while since I've looked at it.
Just make sure to make a backup as it does get overwritten on server update.
Wish it was actually configurable in the Admin UI somewhere though, hint, hint
4. Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
thomas2004 Apr 15, 2014 4:20 AM (in response to pathduck)I thing editing the template like a text file is not a good idea since this file is the only one template file. What I want is: when I define an alert, one can define his body.
5. Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
thomas2004 Apr 16, 2014 7:22 AM (in response to tsegismont)Hi,
There are several plugin codes. I see their structures are different. Which one you thing the better one I should take?
6. Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
pilhuhn Apr 18, 2014 5:23 AM (in response to pathduck)Am 11.04.2014 um 10:45 schrieb Stian Lund <do-not-reply@jboss.com>:
Wish it was actually configurable in the Admin UI somewhere though, hint, hint
Which "it" ?
P.S.: Patches are always welcome
7. Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
pilhuhn Apr 18, 2014 5:23 AM (in response to thomas2004)Hey,
Am 16.04.2014 um 04:23 schrieb Thomas Chang <do-not-reply@jboss.com>:
There are several plugin codes. I see their structures are different. Which one you thing the better one I should take?
Directly look at the AlertEmail sender.
The idea is I think that you should in the plugin descriptor add a field (long string) to the
alert-configuration, which is the field that is per alert
<!-- What can a user configure when defining an alert -->
<c:simple-property name="emailAddress" displayName="Receiver Email Address(es)" type="longString"
description="Email addresses (separated by comma) used for notifications.">
<c:simple-property name="template" type="longString" required="false" /> <<<<<<
8. Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
pilhuhn Apr 18, 2014 5:45 AM (in response to pilhuhn)Crap, the email->forum gateway has cut off some stuff :-(
The above continues:
That template could either be a string that has the tokens like the original or a name of a file in a directory
(in this case one needs to be careful in HA scenarios to copy that template-file into all servers)
This field is then accessible in the send() method like this:
String templateName = alertParameters.getSimpleValue("template");
Now the org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugins.alertEmail.EmailSender#send internally calls
org.rhq.enterprise.server.alert.AlertManagerBean#sendAlertNotificationEmails which unfortunately does
the sender plugin not make standalone. This internally calls org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.EmailManagerBean#getAlertEmailMessage
to read the template code.
So the alert sender would need to pass in the template path or template string from above property and
pass that through to org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.EmailManagerBean#getAlertEmailMessage to be used instead
of the default. If nothing is passed the solution can just fall back to what is already there.
Hope that helps
9. Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
thomas2004 Apr 28, 2014 4:46 AM (in response to pilhuhn)Hi,
Thanks very much for the information and sorry for the late reply bcz. I have vacation. :-)
I wonder how the variable 'templateName ' be used/called after it's defined so that it could be passed to the org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.EmailManagerBean#getAlertEmailMessage?
10. Re: Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
pilhuhn Apr 28, 2014 5:05 AM (in response to thomas2004)Hey,
you could use the variable to e.g. load a different template from the file system a little bit like this is done for the Alert-Scriptlang
sender to load themplates relative to $SERVER/alert-email-templates
String baseDir = System.getProperty("rhq.server.home") +
File.separator +
templatePath = baseDir + File.separator + templateName;
If the templateName is non null. Otherwise just use the default.
Then load the respective template file and proceed as in the existing case.
11. Re: Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
thomas2004 Apr 28, 2014 9:29 AM (in response to pilhuhn)Hi,
I understand the code here. But I still don't understand 100% how to "load the respective template file and proceed as in the existing case".
Where and how can I load the variable 'templateName'? And what is the "existing case" which I should process?
12. Re: Re: Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
pilhuhn Apr 28, 2014 9:59 AM (in response to thomas2004)Add the template name or path to template to the signature of org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.EmailManagerBean#getAlertEmailMessage then in the code do something like
if (templatePath!=null) {
try {
templateStream =new FileInputStream(templatePath);
template = new String(StreamUtil.slurp(templateStream));
} else {
use existing code to load the default template
(and send a pull-request when done
13. Re: Re: Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
thomas2004 Apr 30, 2014 8:06 AM (in response to pilhuhn)Hi,
I thing I did what you told me. But it doesn't work perfectly. Here is my code. I still get the body from default file "alert-email-template.txt". Could you please have a look? It's based on your EmailSender class:
public class EmailSender extends AlertSender {
private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EmailSender.class);
public SenderResult send(Alert alert) {
String emailAddressString = alertParameters.getSimpleValue("emailAddress", null);
String templateString = alertParameters.getSimpleValue("template");
log.info("templateString = " + templateString);
// String baseDir = System.getProperty("rhq.server.home") + File.separator + "alert-email-templates";
String baseDir = "/tmp" + File.separator + "test";
log.info("baseDir = " + baseDir);
String templatePath = baseDir + File.separator + templateString;
log.info("templatePath = " + templatePath);
String template = null;
if (emailAddressString == null) {
return SenderResult.getSimpleFailure("No email address given");
List<String> emails = AlertSender.unfence(emailAddressString, String.class, ",");
try {
Set<String> uniqueEmails = new HashSet<String>(emails);
Collection<String> badEmails = LookupUtil.getAlertManager()
.sendAlertNotificationEmails(alert, uniqueEmails);
List<String> goodEmails = new ArrayList<String>(uniqueEmails);
SenderResult result = new SenderResult();
result.setSummary("Target addresses were: " + uniqueEmails);
if (goodEmails.size() > 0) {
result.addSuccessMessage("Successfully sent to: " + goodEmails);
if (badEmails.size() > 0) {
result.addFailureMessage("Failed to send to: " + badEmails);
if (templatePath != null) {
try {
FileInputStream templateStream = new FileInputStream(templatePath);
template = new String(StreamUtil.slurp(templateStream));
log.info("template = " + template);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("templatePath = NULL");
Map<String, String> message = new HashMap<String, String>(1);
message.put(emailAddressString, template);
return result;
} catch (Throwable t) {
return SenderResult.getSimpleFailure("Error sending email notifications to " + emails + ", cause: "
+ t.getMessage());
public String previewConfiguration() {
String emailAddressString = alertParameters.getSimpleValue("emailAddress", null);
if (emailAddressString == null || emailAddressString.trim().length() == 0) {
return "<empty>";
return emailAddressString;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
displayName="Alert:My Email"
description="Alert sender plugin that sends alert notifications via email"
Used to send notifications to direct email addresses.
<!-- How does this sender show up in drop downs etc -->
<short-name>My Direct Emails</short-name>
<!-- Class that does the actual sending -->
<!-- What can a user configure when defining an alert -->
<c:simple-property name="emailAddress" displayName="Receiver Email Address(es)" type="longString"
description="Email addresses (separated by comma) used for notifications.">
<!-- a real email regex that validates all possible email address would be thousands of chars long -->
<!-- here we do just a very basic validation of comma-separated str1@str2 -->
<c:regex-constraint expression=".+@[^@, ]+(,.+@[^,@ ]+)?"/>
<c:simple-property name="template" type="longString" required="false" />
14. Re: Re: Re: How to extend the alert-email plugin for sending contents?
pilhuhn Apr 30, 2014 8:24 AM (in response to thomas2004)I above code you have
Collection<String> badEmails = LookupUtil.getAlertManager()
.sendAlertNotificationEmails(alert, uniqueEmails);
Which is calling into the server to do the real sending.
You need to modify this to pass the template like
Collection<String> badEmails = LookupUtil.getAlertManager()
.sendAlertNotificationEmails(alert, uniqueEmails, template);
and move the template fetching code before this line.
Then inside AlertManagerBean.sendAlertNotificationEmails() you need to pass the template to the call to the org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.EmailManagerBean#getAlertEmailMessage() and use your template instead of the default one that is defined in there.
If your template is null, you should fall back to using the default though.