3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 30, 2014 6:53 PM by rcernich

    Is it possible to construct a bpel process consisting of SCA services?


      From my understanding, SCA services can have a Web service binding, i.e., SCA services can be exposed to external clients as a Web service and have an WSDL file.


      If this is the case, is it possible to construct a bpel process consisting of SCA services?

      For example, the partnerLinks in bpel all reference the WSDL files of SCA components.


      Can bpel runtime engine handle the execution of SCA components properly? I assume a switchyard runtime is still required to provide the functions of SCA components.


      I checked online for "bpel invoke sca components", and IBM BPM suite mentions this scenario in here

      I was wondering if SwitchYard covers this scenario. It will be appreciated a lot if someone can point me to the right direction.

      Thanks a lot.

        • 1. Re: Is it possible to construct a bpel process consisting of SCA services?

          HI itomer,

          bpel is a type of component in the SCA container, which is SwitchYard. bpel components are run with riftsaw engine, but the interactions between components, in the SCA composite are handled by SwitchYard.

          All these components can be exposed for consumption (services) or can call another services (references). These services/references need to have an interface that define their contract, whether is java or wsdl, and will interact to the outside world via a binding, that defines the communications channel/protocol.

          a Bpel service will invoke another components (partnerlinks) usually defined with a wsdl contract, and these components can be defined in the same composite application, or in other application, in which case, communications between these two composites can be using SCA bindings. So yes, answer is BPEL can call/use/invoke services/components exposed via an SCA binding.


          not only our product does it, as you mention, most SCA implementations that have bpel components will be able to communicate via their SCA binding. But this binding is implementation specific, so SwitchYard can only use Switchyard's SCA components.


          I hope I have helped you to clarify your understandings.

          • 2. Re: Is it possible to construct a bpel process consisting of SCA services?

            Hi Jorge,


            Is there an example of BPEL calling SCA component in SwitchYard? In the downloaded package, or somewhere else.


            Thank you.

            • 3. Re: Is it possible to construct a bpel process consisting of SCA services?

              Have a look at the bpel-loan-approval quickstart.  The loanService invokes the riskAssessor service through a reference.  The invoke/service in the deploy.xml identifies the SwitchYard service that will be invoked for the specified partner link.  Notice that the QNames for the services in the deploy.xml match the QNames for the services in the switchyard.xml file.


              Hope that helps.
