1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 18, 2004 2:16 PM by jeeads

    CMR modeling


      I am trying to model a relationship for this type of table:

      PK ID Unique ID row identifier
      FK TABLE_NAME Some Table in the Schema
      FK TABLE_ID Unique ID for row in table name in TABLE_NAME
      ATTRIBUTES Variety of attributes like CREATION_DATE etc.

      Since the foreign key is a combination key made up of TABLE_NAME and TABLE_ID where TABLE_ID is a column but TABLE_NAME is a table in the catalog, I can't figure out how to model this for CMR.

      Any advice would be appreciated.

        • 1. Re: CMR modeling

          I decided to just create a findbyapplicationforeignkeys(tablename, tableid) for this entity bean and I make sure that any other entity bean that may have associated records in this table calls the findby method.
