5 Replies Latest reply on May 3, 2014 11:21 PM by rareddy

    ui for deployed models on dv server


      I am still getting my head around how all the components of dv works and wanted to ask if there is an interface which can be used to run queries on the virtual models deployed on to the dv server. Which can serve as a single view to all the models.


        • 1. Re: ui for deployed models on dv server

          Once you define the views, then you deploy the VDB into Teiid server, then you can access that VDB (Virtual Database) using JDBC/ODBC/OData and SOAP/REST protocols from your end applications. To your end applications it will look exactly like you are accessing a database. Try some quick start examples to get yourself familiarized.



          • 2. Re: ui for deployed models on dv server

            Thanks Ramesh

            ok So I just need to install JDBC/ODBC driver for for VDB in my application and connect to VDB. Is that correct.

            It would be nice to have a browser based interface which can provide a single view to VDB though


            I am going through all the steps one by one and hopefully get a better understanding of it soon




            • 3. Re: ui for deployed models on dv server

              > It would be nice to have a browser based interface which can provide a single view to VDB though


              You can also use Teiid Designer / Data Tools, SQuirreL, or any generic JDBC client to run queries.  The admin console (browser based) does have a preview query function, but we've generally found the other tooling is better suited to this kind of task than having us develop and maintain a browser UI project.



              • 4. Re: ui for deployed models on dv server



                I was trying to find answers to following questions but could not get the right document and wondering if some one could point me in to the right directions

                1. How DV reads data from data sources. Is it directly running queries on the main source tables (in case source is a RDBMS) or reading from database logs?

                2. How much load the source data source may expects when running from DV? Is it like a normal JDBC query or different?

                3. Does data get persisted in DV or is it is always going back to Data source for latest data?

                4. How the changes in Source Data source structures (Table, column etc) impact and managed with the models defined in DV?


                I am sure there must be document explaining all these basic stuff so please let me know the location




                • 5. Re: ui for deployed models on dv server

                  1) it reads from tables, not from transaction logs

                  2) it is normal JDBC query in case if source is RDBMS

                  3) it depends, typically it does not, it goes back to fetch each time. However if you materialize the view, it can cache for specified time

                  4) if your table structure (schema) is changed then, your VDB needs to be updated. Addition of columns may not affect it, however deletion or alters will not be updated unless you update the VDB

