1 Reply Latest reply on May 3, 2014 7:02 PM by igarashitm

    What is the status of SwitchYard testing with Arquillian



      I'm trying to do some tests with Arquillian, and I haven't seen any way of creating an Arquillian SwitchYard container, so only way I have found so far is using external managed AS.

      I have read Testing SwitchYard Services Where it says (it is from 2011):


      "Once the deployer issues are fixed, SwitchYard applications should be able to deployed to both embedded and remote servers and run in either container or client mode"




      "Future work in this area also is planned around also deploying the SwitchYard prerequisites (the SwitchYard deployer, soap and bean components) through Arquillian, and using the new maven resolution functionality in the next version of Arquillian"


      Can somebody tell me what is current status, and if it is possible to test SwitchYard services in Arquillian (in embedded mode) how (or point to any example).

