2 Replies Latest reply on May 6, 2014 1:35 AM by swiderski.maciej

    Class Loader issue


      Hi Team,


         I don't know whether this is the right forum to post this question. I thought jBPM team should definitely have solution for this problem so I posted here.



         I am using jBPM embedded in web application and deployed jBPM jars as a module in jBoss7.1.1.Final server. I have added dependency to jBPM module in my WAR's jboss-deployment-structure.xml as follows


                 <module name="org.jbpm" export="true">


                      <include path="META-INF**"/>

                      <include path="org**"/>

                      <include path="com**"/>

                      <include path="jxl**"/>  





         Everything works fine as long as I am not using any of my application classes within BPMN file, for example user defined classes for ProcessEvents or passing collection of objects for multi instance sub-process. The moment I use them I get ClassNotFoundException. Which is obvious because the class loaders for jBPM module and WAR module are different.


         I didn't understand how I can solve this. Is there anything jBoss specific configuration that I can do so that jBPM module knows about my application classes ?