1 Reply Latest reply on May 10, 2014 7:21 AM by iabughosh

    how to reset rich:collapsiblePanel


      Hello Prof,

      I have a page that include a popup ,and in the popup i have rich:collapsiblePanel , when i open the popup for the first time the rich:collapsiblePanel is not expanded , then i expand the rich:collapsiblePanel then close the popup , then reopen the popup ,i see the rich:collapsiblePanel is open i.e(the last state it was ).


      what i want is to rest the rich:collapsiblePanel state every time i open the popup ? i tried to render the rich:collapsiblePanel but when i did that , the rich:collapsiblePanel not working i.e(not open or closed) , i can rest the rich:collapsiblePanel if i refresh the main page but i do not this solution because i have to keep the main page state .


      how i can rest the rich:collapsiblePanel when the popup open ?


      note: the rich:collapsiblePanel switchtype is ajax


