1 Reply Latest reply on May 12, 2014 10:28 PM by kcbabo

    Service Registry lookup as a composite reference




      I'd like to be able to use endpoint lookup for my composite reference.


      As I understand, lookup itself should be resolved with S-RAMP repository, where I can query about service identificators (or the wsdl itself).

      Problem is, SwitchYard requires direct path to WSDL file, S-RAMP dynamic query won't do.


      Looks like using SY references enforces me to keep wsdl files local, with fixed IP, and play with dns binding...

      But it can't be true, right?


      Thanks in advance for any help.

        • 1. Re: Service Registry lookup as a composite reference

          The endpoint address used for SOAP endpoints must be specified in the application descriptor (switchyard.xml), so you can't perform a lookup per invocation.  You can use property replacement to allow the value to be changed between environments without having to change the descriptor, but I think you are after something more dynamic than that.