2 Replies Latest reply on May 15, 2014 9:40 AM by vexxile

    Extending Scaffold-Faces



      I'm trying to extend the scaffold-faces project to customize the MBean generation.

      I created one ScaffoldProvider type and installed the project and could see it on the scaffold:generate menu.

      Then I made my type an extension of the FacesScaffoldProvide and rebuilt and reinstalled the addon

      Now my project disappeared on the options. I tried to override the getName and getDescription, again the same thing.

      I removed the extension and left the FreemarkerTemplateProcessor as one of the attributes(this class is in the scaffold-faces project) and figure out that the problem happens only when I use the scaffold-faces project.



      When I run maven install I have the build success as expected, but seems that something is happening  when I install the addon. I also tried to change the scope of my scaffold-faces dependency(provided, compile) but have no result.



      Could you help me?

        • 1. Re: Extending Scaffold-Faces

          Is there any chance we can take a look at the sources of this subclassed scaffold provider?

          • 2. Re: Extending Scaffold-Faces

            If I put this extension I doesnt have the option on scaffold menu.

            I also override the getName and getDescription.

            public class EjbScaffoldProvider extends FacesScaffoldProvider{


              public EjbScaffoldProvider(Configuration config,

              FreemarkerTemplateProcessor templateProcessor) {

              super(config, templateProcessor);

              // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub






            If I use just a single project this code works, but with modular projects it doesnt.