1 Reply Latest reply on May 15, 2014 11:03 AM by rhauch

    How to filter on a join where the referenced item is NOT present


      Hello there,


        I'm trying to query my modeshape tree for elements that don't have a specific sub node (caseResult). This is the query I ended up with but it does give the correct results:


      Select * from [caci:case] as case

      left join [caci:caseResult] as caseResult on ischildnode(caseResult,case)


      caseResult.[jcr:created] IS NULL



      I need to get all case nodes that don't have a caseResult as subnode.

      How can I achieve this???


      Any help is appreciated




      Using modeshape 3.7.3

        • 1. Re: How to filter on a join where the referenced item is NOT present

          You're query isn't quite right: I think you might have intended to use a LEFT OUTER JOIN.


          The problem is that the 3.x query engine cannot easily implement such null checks on joins, which is why MODE-2151 will be fixed only in 4.0.


          The workaround is to use a property on the parent to specify whether it has the child you are looking for. In fact, even in other JCR implementations this is the recommended practice, since it turns a two-way join into a non-join criteria.

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