0 Replies Latest reply on May 20, 2014 5:07 PM by victor.neves

    can jboss EAP connect in Infinispan Server?


      hello geeks,

      for some time now I have been testing the Infinispan Server. Now, where I work, we want to connect the Jboss (which is running on a machine) in infinispan (which is outa machine running on a Infinispan cluster).

      the infinispan will be transparent to the applications that are in jboss.

      ie, the application requests the object in memory for jboss and jboss asks the infinispan.


      like this app <--> jboss <--> infinispan


      where and how do I set it in JBoss EAP 6.1.1?



      thank you,

      long live the google translator! xD