4 Replies Latest reply on Apr 15, 2004 11:05 AM by cahaverl

    Error when running the xdoclet-build.xml file


      When I run the xdoclet-build.xml file on a CMP 2.0 Entity Bean, an error is thrown:

      <<Unknown jboss version number for cmp2 2.4>>

      The execution seems to fail at the following line of the xdoclet-build.xml file:

      <taskdef classpathref="xdoclet.classpath" classname="xdoclet.modules.ejb.EjbDocletTask" name="ejbdoclet"/><ejbdoclet ejbSpec="2.0" destDir="src" >

      The reason seems to be the following line of the my bean:
      cmp-version = "2.x"

      But I do not understand why ? Could you help me ?!?