1. Re: [forge-dev] Deprecated method
gastaldi May 20, 2014 7:08 PM (in response to danielcunha)Yes, we need to use getRoot() instead. It returns a Resource instance instead of a DirectoryResource
Em 20/05/2014, às 18:54, Daniel Cunha <danielsoro@gmail.com> escreveu:
Hi folks,
I'm refactoring towards JDK 1.7 enhancements. But I see some alerts in project about deprecated method.
Exist other form to get root directory?
Actually the getRootDirectory of the Project is deprecated.
Daniel Cunha (soro)
forge-dev mailing list
att1.html.zip 733 bytes
2. Re: [forge-dev] Deprecated method
danielcunha May 20, 2014 7:15 PM (in response to gastaldi)Thanks George,
Vineet Reynolds solved my question in #forge channel.
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 8:08 PM, George Gastaldi <ggastald@redhat.com>wrote:
Yes, we need to use getRoot() instead. It returns a Resource instance
instead of a DirectoryResource
Em 20/05/2014, às 18:54, Daniel Cunha <danielsoro@gmail.com> escreveu:
Hi folks,
I'm refactoring towards JDK 1.7 enhancements. But I see some alerts in
project about deprecated method.
Exist other form to get root directory?
Actually the getRootDirectory of the Project is deprecated.
Daniel Cunha (soro)
forge-dev mailing list
forge-dev mailing list
Daniel Cunha (soro)
att1.html.zip 953 bytes